This year as an experiment we have been running a Christmas card competition.
Competition entries were emailed to by
16th August 2012 - NOW CLOSED
Entries were posted online here at so that you could view them and vote for your favourite by
7th September 2012.
The winning photograph was selected by a team of judges from the Welsh Committee and Publicity Working Group of the BSBI.
The cards have now been printed so get your orders in! You can
order online and pay using PayPal on the BSBI's main Wales page.
The cards are printed as folded cards (A6 size; approx 4" x 6" with a silk finish) with a photograph on the front. There is a bilingual greetings message (
Cyfarchion gorau tros y Nadolig a'r Flwyddyn Newydd/ Best wishes for Christmas and the New Year). You can also buy blank greetings cards for use on any occasion. On the back is the BSBI logo and photo details (species, site, photographer). The cards come with white envelopes.
The cards are priced at
5 for £3.00
10 for £5.00
20 for £8.00
This includes postage to any UK address - overseas orders would be charged extra.
Now that the judging has been completed the winner has been selected as David Hill - photographer of entry no. 22.
Retrospectively I am adding the photographers' names so all can know who entered.
Entry 1 - Arthur Chater: Rosa sherardii |
Entry 2 - Arthur Chater: Juncus gerardii |
Three more entries in today (5th July):
Entry 3 - Emily Meilleur: Glebionis segetum
Entry 4 - Emily Meilleur: Dactylorhiza fuchsii |
Entry 5 - Emily Meilleur: Lloydia serotina |
And later on (still 5th July) another two...
Entry 6 - John Crellin: Tuberaria guttata |
Entry 7 - John Crellin: Vale of Ewyas |
Three more entries today 9th July. There is no fixed policy on native vs non-native species; but the criteria for the winner must include how well it is likely to sell (at Christmas time?) to a BSBI members market! I'd welcome other peoples' thoughts on this...
Entry 8 - Dawn Nelson: Mahonia x media |
Entry 9 - Dawn Nelson: Malus x robusta "Red Sentinel" |
Entry 10 - Dawn Nelson: Quercus robur |
An interesting mixture so far... mostly botanical, some more Christmassy than others... do you have something to add into the mix?
A bonus seven extra entries this morning (16th August).
Entry 11 - Kath and Richard Pryce: Cornus after snow |
Entry 12 - Kath and Richard Pryce: Cowslip in snow |
Entry 13 - Kath and Richard Pryce: Ice crystals on Russian Kale |
Entry 14 - Kath and Richard Pryce: Mossy roof |
Entry 15 - Kath and Richard Pryce: Polystichum setiferum |
Entry 16 - Kath and Richard Pryce: Prunus cerasifera |
Entry 17 - Kath and Richard Pryce: Snow storm |
And even seven more this evening...
Entry 18 - David Hill: Snow capped |
Entry 19 - David Hill: Dipping bramble (Rubus fruticosus agg.) |
Entry 20 - David Hill: Glacial grip |
Entry 21 - David Hill: Ice age |
******* WINNER! Entry 22 - David Hill: Time ******* |
Entry 23 - David Hill: Typha latifolia |
Entry 24 - David Hill: Corylus avellana |
Four final ones added a bit late... I hope no-one minds! These were sent just after I left on holiday.
Entry 25 - Ray Woods: Hedera helix |
Entry 26 - Ray Woods: Taxus baccata hibernica |
Entry 27 - Ray Woods: Viscum album (1) |
Entry 28 - Ray Woods: Viscum album (2) |
Congratulations to David Hill for his winning photograph, "Time".
Please note: this competition is being run as an experiment and depends upon sufficient interest in terms of entries and orders. We reserve the right to cancel the competition at any time, in which case any money received will be refunded.
Thanks Polly this was a great idea and we can now photograph ideas for next year's card :-)